HCF: Highest common factor can be calculated using long division method. HCF is also called as GCD (greatest commomn divisor).
Method: Two numbers x and y and passed to the function HCF which calculates HCF and returns it.
we keep on diviing x with y untill it completely divides x. If it does y becomes HCF, if not then we replace x with the remainder and y with x.
Method: Two numbers x and y and passed to the function HCF which calculates HCF and returns it.
we keep on diviing x with y untill it completely divides x. If it does y becomes HCF, if not then we replace x with the remainder and y with x.
#include<stdio.h> int HCF(int x, int y) { int tmp; if(x<y) { tmp=x; x=y; y=tmp;//using tmp to swap x and y } while(x%y!=0) { tmp=x%y; //using tmp to store remainder y=x; x=tmp; } return(y); } int main() { int k; k=HCF(18,24); printf("\n HCF=%d",k); }
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