C progam List

Post your C program List Here :
I know it becomes really hard when you get stuck on your programming assignments. Although students should concentrate on developing good programming skills , but if someone teaches you how to do it , its not a bad thing. I may not be able to answer your programming logic queries correctly (or as you wanted). But This is a good exercise for me.
Most new student find it really hard to get into programming. Many students are not born programmers. More over, developing interest over programming is a hard thing. Specially when student get stuck in between stupid programming logic.
If you have some sort of question or problem related to  programming. I will gladly help you out. Just reply to this Post with your problem. And I will make sure I can answer it / solve it for you.
This page will provide reader to post their C programming List. And if I find some of the post were good enough to get posted on this blog, I will gladly post it with the person's name.


  1. 1. Write a complete program to implement the following class to sort an array in descending order using bubble sort technique.
    class bubble
    int arr[30];
    int size;
    void createarray();
    void showarray();
    void bubble_sort();

    2. Write a complete program to implement the following class to sort an array in ascending order using selection sort technique.
    class selection
    int A[35];
    int n;
    void input( );
    void output( );
    void sel_sort();

    3. Write a complete program to implement the following class to sort an array in ascending order using insertion sort technique.
    class OneDarray
    int arr[20];
    int n;
    void get( );
    void show( );
    void ins_sort( );
