Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Linked list using C

This is a Program for Linked List using C. The Code contains enough comments to make your life easy.

#include <stdio.h>

// structure to hold our data
// we call it node
// has a int 'value'
// also has a pointer that points to next node
struct node
    int value;
    struct node * next;
//typdef will save our time
//from now onwards 'struct node' will be replaced by NODE
typedef struct node NODE;

// you can notice that we are passing NODE** to insert
// Why????
// The answer is simple
// since we will be passing the head pointer to the function
// and head pointer can be modified in insertion operation
// so we must pass a NODE**
// reason being if we pass a NODE* to function
// its value will be restored after function has returned
// hence even if have modified head pointer, it will be restored
// so we pass NODE**
// v is the value to be inserted

void insert(NODE** base, int v)
    NODE* BASE=*base;    // get pointer of head
    NODE* k;    // k will be used for allocation
    NODE* p=BASE; // p will be used like a temp pointer
    // if head pointer is NULL
    // means list is empty
    // so we will make a new node
    // attach head pointer to the new node
        printf("\nNo nodes in list, Adding first node with value=%d ",v);
        // alloc memory to k
        // set values in node k
        // make its next pointer null
        //attach k to head node
        // notice since we have passed NODE**
        // we will use *base to get the value of the head node
        // this is the only portion where head gets modified
        // if head is not null
        // loop through list till we reach last node
        // last node can be checked by checking p->next value
        // if its not null we continue moving
        // ok now we are at last node
        printf("\n Adding another node with value=%d ",v);
        // create a new node on k
        // do the usual stuff
        // attach k to last node i.e. p

//--- this function shows us the list
// we pass the head pointer to it and it shows us the list
void show(NODE* base)
    printf("\n List is= ");
    // if head node is NULL
    // means list is empty
        printf("\nEmpty List");
        // else loop through and print values along the way

// del node can delete any value that is found first
// you can also see , we pass the NODE** to it 
// thats because deletion can even cause the head to be removed/ modified
// so address of the head is passsed to it
void del(NODE** base, int v)
    NODE* BASE=*base;// for our head pointer copy
    NODE* PRE=BASE;// another tmp pointer
    NODE* tmp; // one more tmp pointer
    // if head is empty 
    // we cant delete anything
        printf("\n Cant delete anything, List is empty");
    // just in case the value to be deleted is on head !!
    // we move the head on to next node and free head
    else if((*base)->value==v)
        printf("head node found, deleting");
        // copy head pointer to tmp
        // move head to next node
        // notice the use of *base
        // free the previous head node
        // node is somewhere along the way
        // lets find it
        // loop till you find the value
        // or we reach the last node
        while((BASE!=NULL) && (BASE->value!=v))
            // copy BASE ptr value to pre
            // this is done so that we have a pointer to the last node
            // why we need previous node???
            // so that previous node can be linked to next node of the 'victim' node
        // did we find the node??
        // if BASe is null , that means 
        // we failed to find the node
            printf("\nNode Not Found !!");
            // if base was not NULL that means we found the node
            printf("Deleting node......");
            // attach PRE's next pointer to BASE's next pointer
            // this will eliminate the link    
            // free the unlinked node

// our main
int main()
    // declare a head pointer
    NODE* base=NULL;// its NULL initially
    // insert some values
    // notice we pass the address of the head node
    // lets see what we have :)
    // now lets delete a value
    // now lets see the list again

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